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Street price adderall
08.12.2008 · Best Answer: $3-10 depending on if they are buying in volume and/or they are desperate. Depends on how much it is. 20 mg XR pill can go for 3 bucks a
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I live in a city, and in any larger metro area Adderall is going to be more expensive. The pharmacy value for Adderall XR is crazy expensive, and as a healthcare
Just curious. Thx.. edit: Oh, yeah! whats a good dose (6'2"/180lb)? Done plenty of i had a few hundred of those before and I sold some for $2.00usd each (probably
Street price of 10mg adderall IR?
23.10.2008 · Best Answer: the person above is right.but it depends on the dose too. Also, it depends on the person who sells it, they can charge you a low price
What is the street price for Adderall XR?.
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Street price of adderall - The Q&A wiki
street value of adderall? - Hip Forums
ive searched around and there seems to be a pretty broad range of prices out there pretty much you should be paying the mg price. for ex. 20mg go for 2 a pop, 30
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