insufflate oxycodone these pills

oxycodone: Definition from
My interest in drugs and their effects on the brain had begun soon after I enjoyed my first joint. My meager resume prior to the experience had included weed, alcohol
insufflate oxycodone these pills
Erowid Experience Vaults: Oxycodone - To.Opiates & Opioids > Oxycodone Hey all! This is SWIMS first real post on the site, besides the intro forum. Finally There is no "real" reason for anyone but a
oxycodone n. A narcotic alkaloid, C 18 H 21 NO 4 , related to codeine, used as an analgesic and a sedative chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride salt.
16.03.2010 · Lets just say "a friend of mine" has had a pill snorting addiction for a couple of years. He's snorted at least one, and at most 8 pain pills (oxycodone
What are the long-term effects of.
QUESTION ABOUT OXY IR 5mg pills.. What Does Insufflation Mean
Snorting Oxycodone - Drugs Forum

Air Insufflation
insufflate oxycodone these pills
My friend has recently started gettin' these lil yellow and white capsules that are Oxy IR (Instant Release) 5mg (Oxycodone). But he decides to insufflate (snort up